My back has hindered me since I was in high school.
Whether I was on the sports fields or just sitting in class. I tried numerous avenues with the goal of not feeling the discomfort every day. Nothing would last that long. Heat and ice were great to get me over a bad spell. Chiropractors and massage therapists had me feeling pain free when I left the office, but the discomfort started to creep back in as soon as my daily life stressors returned. Traditional exercises to strengthen my core would put me in positions that would flare it up. I must admit I was feeling pretty hopeless. I feared long car rides and other simple life routines.
I was fortunate enough to be introduced to the Wedge. It wasn't love at first sight, it took a lot of convincing. How could this simple concept help? Why can't I just roll up a towel? Why does it cost that much?
The constant discomfort won out and I said, "well at least I should try it."
Each night I did a minute longer on the Wedge and started to noticed the next day I would go stretches without noticing my back. I started to get excited to come home each night and "decompress and reset" my back on the wedge. I felt like I was having a chiropractic session without the cost and the results would last longer. Then I graduated to doing exercises on it and felt my core getting stronger without the worry of flare ups.
I was sold on it and wanted to get more involved.
I shared it with my physical therapist and friend, Doug Gellar. At first, he had his hesitations as well. Then he read through the research, and started to use it. Once he could feel the benefits for himself, he was comfortable enough to introduce it to his patients. Amazing feedback was received, and results started coming in.
We both had the same vision of the amazing power the Wedge could deliver to the user. We decided to form Empower Wedge and believe this can help many people who suffer from back discomfort or the ill effects of sitting too much. Plus it can revolutionize how to acquire unparalleled core strength without the penalties embedded in most abdominal exercises.
- Ken